Thursday evening I hung my exhibition in Elgin Library Gallery with the help of my dear friend and fellow artist, Mandi Beard.
I had the preview on Friday evening and what an amazing response!
It was wonderful to see so many friends there and I want to thank everyone so much for coming out to see me and my work.
I had a fabulous evening and was absolutely blown away by the amount of red dots on the opening night.
These are a few of the ones that had several interested parties, well done to everyone that got in first to snap up their favourites.

Emissary of Love

Midnight Feast

Perfectly Preened
This is the culmination of a lot of work and it’s always rather nerve-wracking to be putting on a big show. There are 40 original paintings altogether. Some you may have seen before online or perhaps in galleries but there are a large number of brand new pieces.
For many of them I have printed photos of the original paint marks where I first saw the shapes that inspired me to paint each of the creatures. This is so the viewer can get a glimpse into my process and how I see things.
I’m excited and nervous now that it’s all open to the public. I hope that people find my work to be fun, intriguing and uplifting. The exhibition runs from Saturday 8th to Friday 21st July.
I took this just before everyone arrived at the preview. I wish I’d got some photos with everyone there but it was just too busy.
I also forgot to get any photos taken of me actually at the show wearing my fox themed dress so had to get a friend to take one in my garden afterwards.
This was me winding down after all the excitement. It took me a while and I didn’t go to bed until about 1.30am after a few bucks fizzes.
Today, Saturday, is going to be all about tidying up the colossal mess I made at home and in my studio getting ready for all this. Then I’ll be back in the studio again on Sunday. No rest for the wicked!
In Other News
On Monday I went to have my hip joint injected with hyaluronic acid. It was not much fun at all.
I wasn’t nervous and I don’t think I’m squeamish but it was quite painful. Even though I thought I was doing ok, my body decided it was a big fat, NOPE!!
It was quite funny that after I got off the surgery table and into the wheelchair to go back to the ward, I narrated my own faint to the nurses.
“Just to let you know, I’m feeling quite warm….”
“I’m feeling somewhat nauseous, you might not want to wheel me anywhere just yet….”
“I’m getting light-headed and my sight is closing in…………………..”
I came to in a different room with an oxygen mask on, totally spaced out. After that I went all shivery and my fingers went pure white.
Some tea and toast got me back on form but I don’t think much of the new tattoos!
What’s Next?
I’m still painting for the Art Aboyne exhibition that is running from 22nd July until 12th August in the Memorial Hall, Aboyne.
I’ve just finished this heron piece on deep-edged canvas to show. That little hummingbird in the background is going to be there too. Do you recall seeing its origins in my last newsletter?
I still have another 3 paintings to finish next week before hand-in day, a stag, an owl and a nuthatch. These are all well under way so hopefully won’t take to much more to complete.
After that I’m taking a well deserved break before the next big event which is the Aberdeen Art Fair.
Phew! What a year this is shaping up to be. I’m happy that it’s all good, positive stuff and I’m grateful for all the awesome support I’m getting from friends, family and followers of my art. It’s you guys that enable me to do all these things without completely cracking up. Thank you.
With love and gratitude