I’m taking Aether to Easel to the Fair!

Come see me at Stand No 11
Evening Preview 6-9pm Friday 1st Sept
Open 10am-5pm Sat 2nd and Sun 3rd

Venue: The Music Hall, Union St, Aberdeen AB10 1QS
I’ll be exhibiting a beautiful selection of artwork from the artists currently showing in Aether to Easel’s Autumn Collection. I can’t wait for the art fair visitors to see their work in person.
I’ve been absolutely blown away by the amazing art that the artists have supplied for me to show. It’s been a huge amount of work to put all this together and I’m excited to be attending this event. Do come along if you can. It’s sure to be a fantastic show!
If you’d like to see some of the pieces I’m be taking with me, check out the Autumn Collection at Aether to Easel now. If you see something you like you’d best snap it up before the weekend. It might not be there for long!
Love and gratitude